
арендовать автомобиль в HybridRentaCar

Арендные ставки указаны в предложении, к которым добавляются определенные скидки в зависимости от количества дней аренды. Оплата услуг, а также гарантия оплачиваются в полном объеме в начале срока аренды.
Для гарантии оформляется счет-фактура и квитанция на всю сумму, оговоренную в договоре. Платежи могут производиться в евро или леях. Штрафы за нарушение правил дорожного движения и парковки, топливо, клинья или порезы шин по разным причинам не включены в тарифы.

  • Identity card in original and in copy;
  • Driving license in original and in copy;
  • The documents must belong to the person who rents and signs the rental contract.

To rent a vehicle, it is mandatory that the driver be at least 21 years old and/or have a category B driver’s license for at least 3 years. The owner reserves the right to refuse to rent a vehicle to a customer without any additional explanation.

The minimum rental period is 3 days.
The vehicle is delivered to the customer, based on this contract, in good general and functional condition. Upon delivery, the owner is obliged to inform the customer about possible minor defects, and he reserves the right to accept the rental or not. The car is delivered after both parties have signed this contract, paid the guarantee and paid the taxes by the customer. With the delivery of the vehicle, the client is entrusted with its identification documents, in xerox copy.
The customer is materially responsible for any damage or injury caused by an accident caused by entrusting the driving of the vehicle to a driver not authorized by the owner.

The guarantee is paid depending on the type of car and the extra insurance package or extra km package chosen and depending on the age of the driver, it varies starting with the amount of €100.